Friday, November 6, 2009


Some things never change.

It has just occurred to me that perhaps practices between generations are more consistent than we think.

Styles don't really change, they just sort of rotate. Who ever thought platforms would be in style more than once? Thank you, Spice Girls.

Music is always changing, but it seems like just as a new genre is created, another classic rock band gets their second wind.

You get the point.

Now, Homecoming weekend brings a lot of alumni to the U of A campus. Our school is quite old, thus so are some of our alumni. Two elderly ladies stopped by the dorm tonight to take a look at their former residence hall. Amidst the reminiscing, they told me about how they once went to Mexico and bought a bag that was just the right size and shape to hide a six pack of beer, and that's how they smuggled alcohol into the building.

Ahh, college life. It's funny to think that the things teens and twenty-somethings attempt to do today have already been successfully accomplished by their grandparents.

1 comment:

austin.s.martin said...

I agree. Old people have the tricks which would make them cool if they didn't have irritable bowels.