Wednesday, August 26, 2009


A few weeks ago I got "flashed" by a speed camera for the first time. Prior to this event, I had successfully avoided all citations/tickets that usually plague young drivers, so I was in pretty good shape. I was a little nervous, so I spoke with a few friends who have gotten caught by speed cameras. As far as they knew, the ticket would be sent to the person whose name was on the vehicle's registration. At the time, I was driving a car that is registered to my dad. The picture would clearly not look like him, so we could just send in a copy of his driver's license and check the box that says, "This isn't me." (Not the most honest move, I admit.)

So that was the plan. No problem.

Wrong. Of course there was another complication, because if there wasn't, I wouldn't be blogging about it.

The car I was driving also has my mom's name on the registration. And we look so much alike, they aren't going to buy the "this isn't me" excuse if she sends them a copy of her driver's license. So there goes $200. Oops.

The moral of the story is to pay attention to speed limit changes when you get off the highway. Also, watch for signs that say, "Photo Enforcement Zone," because those are *apparently* all over the place. Pshh.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Tattoos have always interested me. I understand that it isn't everyone's "thing" and that a lot of people dislike them, which is fine, but I think they're fascinating. Hearing people's stories about their tattoos and seeing original artwork never ceases to capture my attention.

Today I got my second tattoo. My first was done two years ago and was relatively painless, except for the bottom edge which goes over my ankle bone. I didn't think too much about that pain when I decided to get the next one on the top of my foot. As the artist began outlining with the needle, I realized something. I believe my exact words were, "So apparently there are a lot of bones in the foot..."

Google has informed me that in fact, there are 26 bones in the human foot, which, let's face it, is pretty cool. (

In any case, the tattoo turned out better than I expected. Also, because it hurt so much, I'm not too eager to get another one anytime soon. Everyone wins.