Monday, April 26, 2010

37: Best Day Ever... a new holiday, perhaps.

April 26th is awesome.

Eli James Gregory Suddarth was born at 2:22 AM and is absolutely perfect. He's 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 19.5" long. I am so thankful to have been there to meet him, even though I was crying my eyes out. He's so amazing.

Also, I got a job. My ideal job, in fact. It's with a social service agency and it means I get to stay after I graduate. The way it came about was a little strange and made me wonder if God had a hand in it. I submit that He did.

I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness at the blessings today has brought... and all of them before 10AM.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Thirty-Six: Waking Up

It's no secret that I'm not a morning person. I do not enjoy waking up. I never have, but recently, as I've acknowledged the value of sleep, it is even more bothersome having to get up. Sometimes it's because I haven't slept enough. Other times it's because I'm instantly overwhelmed at all the day will bring. Some days I just feel sick and can't imagine doing thinks like eating breakfast. In any case, waking up is pretty much the worst part of my day. Every day.

But I think that gives me an interesting advantage in life.

When I wake up, that is the worst I will feel all day. Things are not going to get worse than that disoriented, head-achey, sleepy, nauseous feeling that I get when I roll out of bed. I've got nowhere to go but up [I'd really like to do that someday]. So really, the rest of my day is welcomed with open arms. It's just those first ten minutes or so that are kind of a pain in the neck.